
We, probably much like you, didn't know our Speyside from our Single Malt and saw whisky as the preserve of old men in smoking jackets. But we knew we loved it and that with a little makeover it could go back to what it was, a drink for everyone. To do this we put together our own Mötley Crüe, just a much less cool whisky version...

Firstly Angus, with a decades long career spanning buying, blending and distribution he's no stranger to a dram, or a hangover. He explained that premium grain was a delicious and versatile product overlooked by the established cabal and so that's where we've started.

Then there's Hugo, he's spent decades building businesses and has been testing ways in which customers can build equity in the products they buy. He's even built a system to help people manage their stakes. We'd like to think Karl Marx would have approved.